Project Description

Assignment Re:brief.

Based on Project Re:Brief by Google.
Translate the classic commercials ‘Hilltop’ of Coca-Cola into a new ad, by making us of modern mediatechnology. While you make sure that the ‘look and feel’, the message and the target group of the classic ad will be maintained.

Harvey Gabor had a dream. He wanted to buy the world a Coke. This led to the famous ad of Coca-Cola, known by the name of “Hilltop” that was created in 1971. The ad is all about giving people a happy feeling. In the past 40 years advertising has developed significantly and emotions became more and more important in advertising especially since products became increasingly similar to each other. Every professional in advertising is aware of that and it is reflected in today’s ads. Except for one media, according to Google, which is the Internet. The Google team claimed that “….despite almost two decades of innovation online, digital ads are still being used to simply inform more than they’re being used to connect, engage and entertain.” That’s why they decided to start an experiment to “re-imagine what advertising can be and push the boundaries of how creative ideas and today’s technology can work hand in hand.” (

This assignment is based on the experiment of Google. You will have to look back to the history of advertising. To find the essence of the ad and to use a new way to express it. We challenge you to bridge the basic idea of a classic ad and today’s consumers by new media. Make sure that your product will meet the criteria, as given in the project manual and that the ‘look and feel’, the message and the target group of the classic ad you did chose, will be maintained.

More information:

About Google Re:briefTM:
About the Coca-Cola rebrief: